I have read the impressive book titled "Strengths Finders" . If you get this book, you can take the "Strengths Finder assessment test". It helps us identify our potential abilities and shows how we improve them effectively. In my case, our potential abilities are Analytical, Individualization, Input, Intellection and Restorative according to ths results.
Suprisingly, this book states that our potential strengths were created by environmental factors in our teens. Therefore, we have to focus on our strengths, not weaknesses. Interestingly, this book points out the best way to improve our potential abilities and the relationship between talent and investment is to think of this formula:
Talent [a natural way of thinking, feeling, or behaving] ×Investment [time spent practicing, developing your skills, and building your knowledge base] =Strengths [the ability to consistently provide near-perfect performance]
This means that we have to invest time and energy in our potential abilities if we want to get our own strengths.
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