The Japanese view on religion is a little bit different from the American point of view. Basically, the main Japanese religions are Shinto or Buddhism; however, most young people do not have any religion. Surprisingly we celebrate New Year, go to shrines and have a marriage ceremony at church. I assume that Japanese needed to absorb variety of cultures like a sponge because of geographical issues. It means Japan is an island country and we need to keep up with western countries.
To be honest, I have been attending the Bible discussion class since my friends gave me the Bible three month ago. Indeed I have no religion but learning the Bible is very informative and variable for me to understand the Western way of thinking. In addition, my father told me that if you go to Western countries, you had better read Shakespears and the Bible to learn cultural differences.
My favorite phrase is from Matthew 7:13" Enter by the narrow gate; for wide is the gate broad is the way that leads to destruction, and there are many who go in by it. Because narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to life, and there are few find it."
Actually I could not figure out what the "narrow gate" was exactly at first. When I ask my friends, the answers are totally different. Someone said the narrow gate is "honesty" because to be honest all day long is really difficult for us. Another friends in my business class stated that "narrow gate" means niche market and wide one is a mature market from economic point of view. That is why you have to choose narrow gate if you want to survive. Another opinion is that " narrow gate" means god. To do the right thing is always difficult for us. Learning the Bible is difficult but interesting.
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